Q & A with Cory

What inspired you to work in the travel industry?

Traveling! Being on the road opened my eyes to the amount of effort and detail that goes into travel logistics on a daily basis. In addition, I was one of the lucky ones who used Molly as a travel agent before joining her team. Watching her in action was a large inspiration to pivot into this line of work.


Tell us about your role at The Optimists.

I am a travel manager at The Optimists. I assist mainly with group hotels from sourcing options all the way through the collection of final folios. I also partner with the lead travel managers to ensure smooth client travel.


What do you love about your job?

I love working alongside such an impressive group of women in the touring industry. I have learned so much and continue to learn from each of them. It is a wonderful, collaborative environment.


What’s one word that describes you, and why?

Optimistic! It’s a reason I felt so drawn to Molly’s rebranding to The Optimists. It’s also driven me through a lot in my life. At the end of the day, I believe a positive attitude is key when facing challenges. And boy, does travel like to throw around those challenges.


What’s your top travel tip?

Pack light. I pack smarter when I pack lighter.


What travel destination is at the top of your bucket list?



What’s your favorite song?

My favorite song fluctuates, but a constant go-to is “The Obvious Child” by Paul Simon. 


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