Investing in our Team, for our Clients

When we rebranded in 2021 and rolled out our new business model of charging planning fees, we had one question to answer…is this industry - this job of Entertainment Travel Agent - a sustainable way to make a living, while enjoying life with family and friends at the same time? 

The only way to do that, and to guarantee we could retain our high-caliber, extremely sought-after team members, was to take control of what we COULD control, which is charging for our time. And it wasn’t easy! It’s still not easy. We’ve lost several clients due to our planning fees. But you know what? It’s WORKING. It’s working! The financial stability of the company (from charging reasonable fees for our time) has enabled us to retain our current team, hire 2 new incredible team members (welcome Mary & Kris!), and invest in new systems to support all of us. 

This post summarizes it exactly. Life is A LOT. We have to prioritize mental health, time with family & friends, time in nature. The Optimists will continue to grow and evolve, so we can provide seamless service to our clients, while spreading the work amongst our team so they get the brain breaks and rest they need

Thank YOU for sticking with us, believing in our value and fostering our partnerships! We have an incredible roster of clients right now - and knowing that you value our time makes the work that much more important and meaningful for us. Thank you!! 


Q & A with Cory