What we do

We perform all our travel management services with proactive planning, empathy, adaptability and attention to the details that matter.

Here are the types of services we provide:



  • Present comparative options and manage group flight grids

  • Group flight contracts and private jet booking

  • 24/7 mobile and chat support for schedule changes


Hotels + Cars

  • Present comparative options and negotiate rates and contracts, including upgrades and extras

  • Rooming list and rider preparation and updating

  • Car service, rental cars and airport greeters


production TRAVEL

  • Steel and site crew travel

  • Festival & retreat travel

  • Hotel advance execution  


Data management

  • Secure client portal for centralized communication, secure document signing and delivery

  • Personnel information management


Budget management

  • Travel budget preparation 

  • Expense reporting during tour

  • End of tour financial reconciliation


Customer Support

  • Dedicated team of Optimists throughout the tour

  • Regular calls to track progress and changes

  • 24/7 support via phone and text


We’ll put together a package of services
customized for your specific needs.

“the Optimists sent the best explained, most detailed email I've gotten from a travel agent ever. Thank you so much for going out of your way to research this. You rock!”

— Steve D, production manager, Pearl Jam